Finding quick cash to take care of an emergency situation may be hard. You may not be able to get enough if anything at all from your bank. Besides, time might be an important factor. So, what should you do? Raid your jewellery box. If you have some gold jewellery pieces in there you can get cash for them from a gold dealer Brisbane.
Why should you choose a gold buyer to sell your gold jewellery?
There are many ways to sell gold jewellery when you need to. You can go to your local pawnshop or you can go to a legitimate gold dealer Brisbane. Gold buyers offer competitive prices. They will take you through the process, explain how they come up with the price by weighing and assaying your gold and what the spot price means. You should ask questions, especially if it’s your first time. You may be desperate for cash but don’t let desperation influence the decision you make to sell to a specific buyer. Some unscrupulous buyers will take advantage of you, especially when they sense desperation.
What can you sell to Brisbane Gold buyers?
You can sell virtually anything that contains gold. It could be jewellery, vintage golden rattles, grandma’s old earrings, gold coins, gold nuggets – anything made of real gold.
If you have a mixture of gold items with different karats, separate them and make sure you get a price based on individual quality.
What can’t you sell a gold buyer?
Whilst some gold buyers also buy silver, they won’t buy any other kind of metal. Neither will they buy gold-plated jewellery, pearls, precious or semi precious stones.
Gold like precious metals or other commodities work on supply and demand. The price of gold is affected by this and other factors like geopolitical tensions, threat of war or actual war, the price ofoil, what Donald Trump decides to tweeting the morning, global warming and pretty much anything that pushes people into panic mode about the economy.
How do Brisbane gold dealers know what carat of gold they are buying?
Most gold comes with a hallmark or a karat marking, however hold buyers verify the karats by testing the gold pieces. Gold buyers use state of the art technology to verify the gold content into the items you bring in to sell.
Will you be required to produce some identification when you sell your gold?
Australia has strict regulations governing the buying and selling of precious metals like gold. They require current photographic equipment and proof of address. You may not be able to produce receipts to prove ownership but producing your ID goes a long way in giving the dealer some assurance that the gold you are selling was not obtained illegally.
Do they buy gold with Diamonds or Gem stones?
Most gold buyers do not buy gold with precious diamonds. Some will compensate you if the diamond is of good quality, others will recommend that you remove precious stones before selling gold.
How will you get paid for your gold?
After weighing and valuing your gold item, you will be paid for your gold on the spot. For larger items you may be paid by bank transfer.