Food or washoku is Japanese may be one of the major attractions to visit the country. No one can doubt how tempura and sushi can titillate your taste buds, but while eating Japanese food, you need to follow a few etiquettes diligently. For instance, using your left hand to get hold of falling food drippings or pieces is bad manners. Using the hand plate or tezara instead is much better. Apart from this, you should try to eat food in one bite instead of using your teeth to break it into pieces. It is bad manners to place half-eaten food on the plate, so you can cover your mouth when chewing big food pieces.
Remembering the things
When it comes to improper methods of eating food, you should never mix wasabi with soya sauce, instead place small quantities of wasabi on sashimi before dipping it in soya sauce. While eating shellfish or clams, people have the tendency to put the shells on the plate or on a separate plate, which is not good manners in Japanese culture. The leftover pieces of clam shells need to stay inside the bowl in which it is served. Are you not sure which food to begin with when eating? Instead of moving the chopsticks over the side dishes is a dining offence you must avoid. It is better to eat some rice between the side dishes instead of touching the food with chopsticks and not eating them. Reading japan tours blog can also reveal a lot about the techniques of eating Japanese food.
Using chopsticks
Should you put your chopsticks back on the bowl after you finished eating? If you want to put the chopsticks somewhere, you should put it on hashioki or the chopstick rest. If it is not available, you can wrap it and put it on the side of the tray. The backsides of the chopsticks is the place to rest your hands, so you should avoid using it for picking food. There are several other interesting things you will discover about the etiquettes of eating during your trip to Japan.